Refresher Course 11 – Resuscitation in the Emergency Department

Critical care in the emergency department is a complex and evolving area of emergency medicine often overlooked within our national training systems. The lack of set competences and learning targets within EM national curriculums jeopardizes the training across Europe and EM residents face major difficulties in developing an effective awareness on their competence progression.

This is the background of the 11th Refresher Course, organised by:

Young Emergency Medicine Doctors and (YEMD) and

Coordinamento degli Specializzandi in Medicina d’Emergenza-Urgenza (CoSMEU)


To provide the Emergency Medicine trainees attending the course with theoretical and practical elements regarding the management of the critically ill patient in the ED.


Venue: Universitá Degli Studi di Firenze, Largo Brambilla 3 Florence, Italy

Course dates

24 -27  May 2019

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