days to go
SGO run, Emmen, Netherlands
May 27, 2024

The SGO run will be held on May 27 .
The annual Emergency Medicine Day is on May 27. On this day we pay extra attention to emergency care and to the staff of the emergency department.
Each year with a special theme; this year “Climate change is a health emergency too!”
The SGO run is a relay race by emergency department staff to raise money for the Emergency Medicine Research Fund. The SGO Fund, established in 2013, aims to raise money for scientific research in the field of emergency medicine in order to improve the quality of care in the emergency department. With the additional goal of a chair in emergency medicine this year.
The SGO fonds depends for its income on individuals, hospitals, organisations and on its own supporters, the A&E doctors, members of the KNMG. The SGO fund is registered as a Public Benefit Institution (ANBI), which makes it possible to make tax-deductible donations.
Although we are only indirectly involved in scientific research in our ER, we do support this initiative and that is why we are happy to participate and try to bring in as many sponsors as possible. We hope you will support us in this.
A quick donation can be made via

You can also donate via this link . For companies/organizations there is a possibility to donate with extra options, awareness on the team site for example.
Would you like more information, as a department or company on our poster and/or our blog and team page; Feel free to contact us.