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If your company or organisation agrees with our mission to higher the competence of Emergency Medical carers and make Emergency Medical care more accesible around the globe, please support us.


Emergency Medicine Day  would not be possible without the financial commitment of our partners.

If you are interested in joining us as an official partner of Emergency Medicine Day, to be a part of our work and to be part of a community of incredible supporters, reach out to us at


You can support us by promoting us on your website or social media channels. Look at the available materials to give your channels that EM-Day touch. Or by organising a course or event in the name of Emergency Medicine Day.

Then we will be proud to put your logo or name right here on this page for the world to see we care about Emergency Medicine. 

European Society for Emergency Medicine


logo Health First Europe


BECEP Belgian College of Emergency Physicians


logo IAPO International Alliance of Patient Organisations


 Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Accident Emergency & Trauma Centre Accident Emergency & Trauma Centresmbbit logo


ERC European Resuscitation Council


new logo EuSEN European Society of Emergency Nursing

African Federation for Emergency Medicine logo 1 African Federation for Emergency Medicine

Ukrainian Resuscitation Council Ukrainian Resuscitation Council

CAEPCanadian Association of Emergency Physicians

emsog Emergency Medicine Society of Ghana

 EMAEmergency Medicine association (EMA) in India 

WONCA EM SIG World Organization of Family Doctors special interest group for Emergency Medicine

SAEM Logo Square Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

a csslogoweb CSS Panama

images American College of Emergency Physicians

 CosmeuCOSMEU, Coordinamento Specializzandi in Medicina d’Emergenza-Urgenza

bulgariaBulgarian Emergency Medical Services Association/ЕКИПНОСТ, СМЕЛОСТ, ВСЕОТДАЙНОСТ

croatiaCroatian Society of Emergency Medicine/HZL Hrvatsko Društvo za Hitnu Medicinu 

Logo GriekenlandHellenic Society of Emergency Medicine/Ελληνική Εταιρεία Επείγουσας Ιατρικής

SIMEU logo


Italian Society for Emergency Medicine/Società Italiana di Medicina di Emergenza Urgenza (SIMEU)


maltaAssociation of Emergency Physicians of Malta/Ghaqda Maltija tat-Tobba ghall-Emergenzi

NederlandDutch Society of Emergency Physicians/Nederlandse Vereniging van Spoedeisende Hulp Artsen

RoemaniaRomanian Society for Emergency and Disaster Medicine/Societatea de Medicina de Urgenta si Catastrofa din Romania

Slovenie2Slovak Society of Disaster and Emergency Medicine/Slovensko Zdravnisko Drustvo, Sedcia Za Urgentino Medicino (SUM-SZD)

Spanje2Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine/Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias

SGNOR Logo CMYKSwiss Society for Emergency and Disaster Medicine/Gesellschaft für Notfall- und Rettungsmedizin/Société Suisse de Médecine d’Urgence et de Sauvetage/Società Svizzera di Medicina d’Urgenza e di Salvataggio 



EMAT LOGO kleinEmergency Medicine Association of Turkey (EMAT)/Tϋrkiye Acil Tıp Derneği 

AustriaAustrian Association of Emergency Medicine/Österreichische Vereinigung für Notfallmedizin

CzechCzech Society for Emergency and Disaster Medicine/Společnost urgentní medicíny a medicíny katastrof ČLS JEP

franceFrench Society for Emergency Medicine/Société Française de Médecine d’Urgence 

HungaryHungarian Society for Emergency Medicine/Magyar Sürgösségi Orvostani Társaság

irelandIrish Association for Emergency Medicine/Cumann Leigheas Éigeandála na hÉireann (IAEM)  

 PortugalPortuguese Association of Emergency Medicine/Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica

SerbiaSerbian Society of Emergency Physicians/Društvo lekara urgentne medicine Srbije

SlovenieSlovenian Emergency Medical Association/Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino

EPATEmergency Physicians Association of Turkey (EPAT)/Acil Tıp Uzmanları Derneği

ukRoyal College of Emergency Medicine

belgium Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine 

poland Polish Society for Emergency Medicine

 viecuri logo1 Medisch Centrum voor Noord-Limburg

HKCEM e1524126429295 Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine 香港急症科醫學院 …

eaca05 06488c2bff3041a7bab44096cf87c765 mv2 Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine & surgery

 NAEMT 1 National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians


ACEM Australasian College for Emergency Medicine



 Asian Society for Emergency Medicine

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